What’s Your Score?
Know the Number that Measures Your Kidney Health
No matter your age, it’s worth knowing your GFR (kidney health score). Your kidneys will thank you for it.

The Numbers
1 in 10. That’s the number of people globally who suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).1
9 out of 10. That’s the estimated number of people worldwide who don’t even know that they have CKD.2

Why Do Your Kidneys Matter?
Every minute, a healthy kidney filters about half a cup of your blood3, removing waste products and excess water to keep you feeling well.
But if they are affected by CKD, harmful waste can build up in your body — with potentially fatal consequences. The problem is that CKD is often a ‘silent condition’. You may not know you have it until it’s at an advanced stage.
So how can you find out? Enter your Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR), a kidney health ‘score’ that could save your life.
What Does GFR Mean?

Kidney function is measured by your GFR. It tracks how quickly your kidneys filter your blood, which is a vital indicator of their health. There are various ranges of GFR values, which correspond to different levels of kidney damage. Doctors use these GFR ranges to classify CKD into different stages.
Stages of CKD
There are 5 stages of CKD. Depending on which stage you are at, the symptoms you experience and your wellbeing are likely to change.
Here’s how you interpret your kidney score (GFR):
Are You at Risk of a Low GFR?
Some medical conditions can affect the kidneys:
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Lupus, chronic pyelonephritis and others
Other risk factors include:
- Family history of CKD
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Abnormal kidney structure
- Being above the age of 65
- Cardiovascular disease
Tip: Going to get your GFR tested is a great time to talk about what lifestyle changes you should make, for example diet and exercise regime
How Can You Find Out Your GFR?
A simple blood test from your healthcare provider is all it takes. The result is a clear picture of your kidney condition, so you can act early through lifestyle changes and/or treatment to maintain your wellbeing.